Who is Audience of One (Ao1)?
Ao1 (Audience of One) is a youth discipleship program incorporating discipleship and performing arts. Our goal is to give young people an atmosphere where they are challenged to grow in their relationship with the Lord. This includes teaching on the character of God, performing arts, and small group time for application, reflection, and prayer. The young people minister the gospel through Contemporary Christian music, sign language, creative movement, and testimonies of what the Lord has done in their lives. We minister in schools, churches, prisons, malls, street corners, parks, hospitals, and any place where people gather.
We have chosen the name “Audience of One” because our primary objective is to bless God’s heart. Our worship, our dance, our devotion is to be to Him, first and foremost. He is the audience we should seek to please.
Our typical outreach team is led by David and Kathleen Tabor and Geoff and Megan Ila, who have led teams to Kenya, Australia, London, Italy, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and many other places. We have also taken teams within the U.S. We have outreached to the East Coast, the West Coast, Salt Lake City Olympics, Colorado Springs, CO, and Nashville, TN. We recognize that along with ministering to the nations it is imperative that we pray for and minister within our own nation.
Preparations and fundraising for each outreach begin at least six months before the team leaves. As our team is established we begin to meet and pray for each member, their time there, finances, logistics, and what’s on God’ s heart to accomplish wherever we are going. This is also the time where our team begins to build unity. We believe that unity is essential for every team. God’s Word says, “Where brethren dwell together in unity…there the Lord will command the blessing” (Psalm 133). We need God’s blessing and anointing before we can minister to others.
The Outreaches
Outreach consists of two weeks of “Boot Camp” followed by two weeks of “Outreach”. During Boot Camp the students are taught foundational Biblical truths and how to personally apply them to their lives. They are encouraged to spend extra time seeking God and learning more of His character, so that “As we behold Him we become more like Him” (2 Cor. 3:18). The students are also taught a full program, which usually consists of dances, drama, worship, and testimonies. Our performing arts program gives the team a platform to go into the community and share with others what God has been teaching them. “We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony” (Rev. 12:11).
Outreaches are chock-full of lots of fun. The students and families get an excellent opportunity to experience different nations, different cultures, foods, customs, etc. Our team members always come back with a broader perspective of God’s love for the nations and His heart for all people.
Our International teams usually consist of 30 – 50 members, although we’ve had as many as 80. As God calls Himself “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”, we have seen God do wonderful things through a 3-generational team working together and ministering His heart to one another and to others. We encourage families, grandparents, and anyone 12 years and older to apply. Our performing team mainly consists of team members aged 12 – 21. Older team members usually help with the teaching, intercession, work projects, small groups, discipling, and logistics.
Join the Fun
Audience of One
Both families and individuals add to the dynamic of outreaches. Download one of the application forms or contact us for more info.
Info Posts:
Day 22: Outreach 8th, July 2018
Today was our first outing with the team from the Worship Center from Lancaster, PA. Their team consists of 16 year olds and up. They are a neat team and we’re excited to work with them. We also had Don and Adrienne Bowen in tow. We loaded up our two vans, the PA team...
Day 21: Outreach 7th, July 2018
Today was cleaning day for the better part of the morning. Another team from PA arrives today and yet another 3 this next week while we are still here. One of the teams that arrives on Monday will be partnering with us to do a VBS at a local church so we are excited...
Day 20: Outreach 6th, July 2018
Today we returned to Rancho. Before our program for the morning Heather Farid one of Rancho’s Senior Staff, gave us an official tour of the facility. She told us story after story of how God’s faithfulness time and time again brought completion to the building of El...
Day 19: Outreach 5th July, 2018
Lastnight after dinner we had a reality check of sorts. Having a “Day Off” doesn’t mean we get a Day Off from Jesus. It just seems like on every outreach when we are in the last 2 weeks or week, it becomes more of a struggle to keep focused on Jesus. Both the boys and...
Day 18: Outreach 4th, July 2018
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY We are so blessed and proud today to be a part of the ever Awesome RED, WHITE and BLUE!!! On outreach just like with everything else, there’s a point when you can only work and minister so much and you need a day of rest or better yet a DAY OFF!!!...
Day 17: Outreach 3rd July 2018
Today we started out with intercession at the base Family Time. After Family Time we had a Team meeting. We are experiencing some awesome breakthrough after our prayer walk last night in downtown Juarez. It just seems like the Team are realizing just how big God is in...
Day 16: Outreach 2nd July 2018
Our work day this morning was by the basketball court we performed on earlier last week. The owner of the facility needed to have his yard cleared and it would've taken him a week and a half to do it all by himself. Needless to say we blessed him immensely. (His video...
Day 15: Outreach 1st July 2018
We had an easy day today. It was good to get all dressed up for Sunday service and not getting into a Team shirt for a change. We visited Mich’s church today and once again tried to figure out what the Pastor was preaching about. It was actually about a good hour...
Day 14: Outreach 30th June 2018
We had a change up today in schedule. We definitely missed our young people from El Rancho but today we went to a soccer tournament that was hosted by Michel our YWAM leader’s church. Today, we served eight soccer teams helping the church with their first ever soccer...
Day 13: Outreach 29th June 2018
Today at the El Rancho we helped the kids with tie dying shirts. Our Team Boyz helped Geoff teach a Warrior dance called “Kia Kaha” and we had the added pleasure of having Dustin with us today. Our Boyz were excited to see him again! Jades mom Kecia Replogle also...