Who is Audience of One (Ao1)?

Ao1 (Audience of One) is a youth discipleship program incorporating discipleship and performing arts. Our goal is to give young people an atmosphere where they are challenged to grow in their relationship with the Lord. This includes teaching on the character of God, performing arts, and small group time for application, reflection, and prayer. The young people minister the gospel through Contemporary Christian music, sign language, creative movement, and testimonies of what the Lord has done in their lives. We minister in schools, churches, prisons, malls, street corners, parks, hospitals, and any place where people gather.

We have chosen the name “Audience of One” because our primary objective is to bless God’s heart. Our worship, our dance, our devotion is to be to Him, first and foremost. He is the audience we should seek to please.

Our typical outreach team is led by David and Kathleen Tabor and Geoff and Megan Ila, who have led teams to Kenya, Australia, London, Italy, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and many other places. We have also taken teams within the U.S. We have outreached to the East Coast, the West Coast, Salt Lake City Olympics, Colorado Springs, CO, and Nashville, TN. We recognize that along with ministering to the nations it is imperative that we pray for and minister within our own nation.

Preparations and fundraising for each outreach begin at least six months before the team leaves. As our team is established we begin to meet and pray for each member, their time there, finances, logistics, and what’s on God’ s heart to accomplish wherever we are going. This is also the time where our team begins to build unity. We believe that unity is essential for every team. God’s Word says, “Where brethren dwell together in unity…there the Lord will command the blessing” (Psalm 133). We need God’s blessing and anointing before we can minister to others.


The Outreaches

Outreach consists of two weeks of “Boot Camp” followed by two weeks of “Outreach”. During Boot Camp the students are taught foundational Biblical truths and how to personally apply them to their lives. They are encouraged to spend extra time seeking God and learning more of His character, so that “As we behold Him we become more like Him” (2 Cor. 3:18). The students are also taught a full program, which usually consists of dances, drama, worship, and testimonies. Our performing arts program gives the team a platform to go into the community and share with others what God has been teaching them. “We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony” (Rev. 12:11).

Outreaches are chock-full of lots of fun. The students and families get an excellent opportunity to experience different nations, different cultures, foods, customs, etc. Our team members always come back with a broader perspective of God’s love for the nations and His heart for all people.

Our International teams usually consist of 30 – 50 members, although we’ve had as many as 80. As God calls Himself “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”, we have seen God do wonderful things through a 3-generational team working together and ministering His heart to one another and to others. We encourage families, grandparents, and anyone 12 years and older to apply. Our performing team mainly consists of team members aged 12 – 21. Older team members usually help with the teaching, intercession, work projects, small groups, discipling, and logistics.

Join the Fun

Audience of One

Both families and individuals add to the dynamic of outreaches. Download one of the application forms or contact us for more info.

Audience of One International Forms:

Family Application

Individual Application

Info Posts:

Day 12: Outreach 28th June 2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENSIE!!! You will never find a more sweeter young Lady than Kensie Hostetler! We are so blessed and privileged to have her on this team. She has so much genuine grace and mercy stored in her heart and it is so full of God's love. Kensie literally knows...

Day 11: Outreach 27th June 2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!! Our fearless Team leader Megan turned another year younger today! What a tremendous blessing she is to this team but also to her family and everyone that knows her. If you have the privilege and honor of knowing this Lady you will know she is a...

Day 10: Outreach 26th June 2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATASHA!!! We celebrated this sweet Baby Girl early this morning and several times throughout the day. She also got to talk to her mom and we presented her gift to her as well. Geoff keeps joking that he's so glad that one of his black nieces finally...

Day 9: Outreach Begins 25th June 2018

A very early start today! We weren't surprised that the Team was up and ready to go. Their eagerness, excitement and anticipation of being in Mexico tonight washed away any tiredness, doubt or fear in their hearts. Families came in to bid farewell as the bus drove in...

Day 8: Bootcamp 24th June 2018

Megan, Geoff, Shae and the breakfast crew cooked up a mean sausage and scrambled eggs breakfast this morning. A hearty meal for a day full of packing and cleaning! After worship Geoff spoke today on: He also spoke from 1 Samuel 16 & 17 to teach about David before...

Day 7: Bootcamp 23rd June 2018

We had some tired kids today after pranking each other into the wee hours of the morning. We didn't let that stop us though with God seamlessly brought the joy of the Lord into our midst and that seemed to be what the Team was energized with. We heard from Mr. Scott...

Day 6: Bootcamp 22nd June 2018

We experienced yet another phenomenal worship time. The Team is hungry for God and God is meeting that need at every turn. The deeper this Team is going the more revelation God is pouring into their hearts. What an awesome Bootcamp experience we have had so far and it...

Day 5: Bootcamp 21st June 2018

I just want to say up front, we have an amazing team! Today's worship time started with a very brave young lady Zion Conley stepping up in front of our whole team and walking in humility asking forgiveness of the team for her bad attitudes. As one of the older team...

Day 4: Bootcamp 20th June 2018

Happy 15th Birthday Gabe Miller!!! Today was literally celebrate Gabe Miller day!!! From donuts for breakfast, cake for lunch and the potluck for dinner it seemed like all of Gabe's Christmases and Birthdays came at once... How appropriate and what came to mind was...

Day 3: Bootcamp 19th June 2018

We experienced yet another Spirit filled worship time. The issue of our salvation was the underlying subject right throughout the day. A chorus line "My heart and flesh cry out for You the living God, I've tasted and I've seen, come once again to me, I will draw near...

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