Please excuse the rather long post… Sorry 😐
We started our day off with worship and a short debrief time. Judging from the feedback, it would be safe to say God has moved Powerfully in the hearts of our Team. Before we left for the VBS Mich gave a devotional encouraging the Team to seek God persistently in order to see miracles.
Our last day of ministry doing VBS at the local church we were at was summed up of what the last 3 days have been. When you hear the words, “You’re Family’ you know God has won hearts over to Himself and has made a significant impact.
The Team was bombarded with hugs and little gifts. The Pastor made a speech thanking us for the time we invested into his church, and sharing the gospel through scripture, dance and our activities. I truly believe we brought a smile to the Fathers face. He has given us much favor and worked His Love in each of our hearts so that we can pour it out to those around us. We truly appreciate the team from PA as well coming in and adding to the blessing God brought to that church.
Friday was our day off. It was bitter sweet to say the least knowing that we are leaving the next day. After another awesome worship time and committing our time of ministry in Juarez to the Lord we loaded up our vans and spent the better part of the day at the hot springs a good 30 minutes south of Juarez. Curtis and Geoff cooked up burgers for lunch as we took full advantage of the pool.To say we got some sun was indeed an understatement. We did our final SMart run treating the Team to ice cream. We headed back to the base to clean vans, pack, have dinner and perform our 3 songs and share about our time here for Community Night on the base.
After dinner the Team got into their uniforms and presented our 3 songs for the base staff and all the other teams there at the base. We started with “This Is Me” inviting the girls from Rancho. We then performed “Catch A Fire” and the “Thief”. I believe this provoked a spiritual breakthrough over our Team, over the base and over Juarez. Shannon and Shae shared, 2 people from the PA team shared and then Ty Thurman, the base director shared a short message. He encouraged us all with a story from the Bible about the Israelites making altars in places where God performed a miracle. He encouraged our Team to not forget what God did in this time and if we felt the urge to pick up a rock as a reminder of what God did when we get home. He then had our Team and the PA team come up the front to be prayed for. Geoff recounted the day on Bootcamp when we had a worship time and God spoke a specific word to each of the Team members.
Ty then invited the base staff and the other teams to come and pray individually for a person that God directed them to on our Team and the PA team. What a POWERFUL time we had. We spent the next 45 minutes to an hour being prayed for individually by people from YWAM El Paso/ Juarez, YWAM Cancun and YWAM Mazatlan. The word that summed up our night and more importantly our time in Juarez was BREAKTHROUGH!
After prayer no one wanted to leave so we worshiped and danced, praising and thanking God for all that He has done, all that He is doing and all that He is about to do!
It’s 5:05pm Saturday afternoon and we’re driving through the summit of Molas Pass, CO. It’s good to be home. In a couple of hours all the Team will be back with loved ones.
God has done so much in such a short time. I hope you have enjoyed tracking with us throughout this outreach as much as I have so enjoyed posting. Megan, Curtis and I encourage you parents to sit down with your child and process what the Lord has shown each of them and pray through the next steps. Outreach may well an truly be over for us as a Team but your child’s outreach is just beginning. Thank you Parents for letting us have your kids as it has truly been a blessing!
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