Today was a good day! We had an early start with some worship and took a moment to respond to the Father individually giving Him our offering of gratitude. This team is hungry to see the Father and each member of the team is genuinely responding to Him, which is an awesome thing to be a part of. In worship this morning we took time to also pray and intercede for what was on the Father’s heart for South and North Korea and it proved to be a powerful time. The other day God challenged us through Tamara, when she said “This culture is not new too God, in God’s eye’s it’s normal just like the people” and that was some great insight that has stuck in the teams hearts and minds.

After worship we got ready and once again made our way into town. After arranging for our bus cards for travel we enjoyed a special treat. Lunch at a restaurant and a bonafide authentic Korean meal, with juk, kimchi and some other delicacies I can’t spell or even pronounce but it was yummy good. We practiced getting on the bus on our return and using our snazzy bus cards and had about an hour and a half to rest up and get ready for our performance at the park.

Our performance drew a little crowd which seemed a little disappointing because we were trying to catch the elementary school kids at 3:30pm. Little did we know that school had let out early, however we did catch the middle schooler’s on their way home. They missed the performance but our interaction with them was special. A lot of the younger generation are learning English and so any opportunity they get to practice with someone whose first language is English is a bonus. Needless to say we didn’t lack for a crowd after the fact.

Park Performance Park Performance

Anna Renn's Flock Group

Anna Renn’s Flock Group

Teira's Flock Group

Teira’s Flock Group

Rachel's Flock Group

Rachel’s Flock Group

Daniel's Flock Group

Daniel’s Flock Group