Saturday, 19th
We were initially booked to help with something similar to a VBS here at the Saesoon but that was cancelled. We decided to head back to our rooms and have a team meeting to discuss the next few days. After our meeting we took some time to start our packing. At around noon we headed into town on one of our last public bus transport rides. We lunched with Pastor Matthew his wife Joytsna, and their baby girls and Paul. All of them hail from the nation of India and were very instrumental in hosting us. The “Behind the Scenes” people if you will. We didn’t see them as much as we would have liked but, we have certainly appreciated all the ground work they helped Tamara lay, for what I would say, has been an incredible outreach.
This particular restaurant was an all you can eat buffet which we were all very thankful for. A good mix of Western and Korean which was even better. After eating to our heart’s (Stomachs) content we headed back to the church. We took the walk home which proves to be very useful after our meals here. Packing resumed and showers were had. Tonight we honored our awesome hosts. They were not all able to make it but we had a great time. We treated them to a good Korean dinner (Of course) at a nice restaurant and handed out gifts to each of them. Pastor Ochul, Viviana, Tamara, Mark and little Kaiser.
Sunday, 20th
Sunday proved to be busy especially in the morning and we were all pretty eager as this would be our last time of ministry. We revisited the VBS deal and got to lead their Sunday program for the elementary kids. We had an hour and a half with the kids so we pulled on our resources and executed a good program. I taught the “Funky Chicken” and “Righteousness”, the Team performed all the songs except the worship song which we saved until last. We taught the Staff the line dance much to the pleasure of the kids and we ended with the worship song. We left the VBS and had about an hour rest before our next stop, the Central Church in downtown Ilgok.
This was a much anticipated for us. We had a slideshow presentation as well as our performance with only a half hour to do it in. We arrived at the church and were ushered in to the dining room to have lunch. This church is the biggest church in Gwangju and let me tell you they are hungry for Jesus. After lunch we prepared for the 1:30pm service. I worked with the tech team to have our songs and slide show synced. Korean’s are big on order and time but they have hearts of gold and are the most generous people you will find. Well I would have to say that this performance was the best. It seemed God was saving the best ’til last and this performance proved it. David started with the introductions and the slide show. We googled the lyrics to all the songs and the church had the translations up on power point. I can imagine how “Catch-A-Fire” went over. God’s anointing was evident as the people responded, some in tears literally. We did go over our allotted time and the Pastor actually responded positively saying that he would not preach because he was touched and blessed with our performance and all that was involved. I have left a lot of detail out of this post because I want your kids to have the opportunity to share the things that happened.
We spent the evening with our hosts, Tamara and the English congregation. Tamara led us in worship and we had a prayer time afterwards just honoring each other and giving God all the glory for the amazing things He did on this outreach. We had dinner and went back to the church. The fire alarm went off twice this evening but I boil it down to a good sign that this nation is “Catching-A-Fire” from God’s presence in us.
Monday, 21st
I am here at an internet cafe right now sitting by our boarding gate recounting all the amazing things that have happened so far. It is 12:37am Monday morning in Motown, 3:37pm Monday in Incheon International Airport. My last post which means I will posts photo’s on Facebook. Parent’s you have incredible kids and we appreciate the awesome privilege of spending this time with them. We will see you tonight in Montrose. Please keep Brooke Replogle in your prayers as she travels from San Francisco to North Carolina by herself. Anna Renn, Rachel and Lydia will overnight in Denver and fly out Tuesday, while we will get picked up at DIA and be driven straight home to Montrose.
Just had tears in my eyes reading this!! It’s just like God to save the best for last!! I can imagine the Holy Spirit in the room with you all, ministering at that last church session, then also at the ‘English’ church! Thanks for lifting up the soul of Korea!!!