Normally on outreach around this time thing’s start to become routine. The Father, however always has other plans and requires us to press in a little harder. The outreach here in South Korea is preparation for the next outreach that actually starts, the day we return home. The last three and a half weeks have been culture shock from day one of bootcamp up until now, and the remainder of the outreach actually sets in to motion a lifestyle that is lived according to God’s word and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The culture shock spoken of is the individual’s culture not just their American culture or wherever they are from or the youth culture they have been immersed in. It says that we are to be “…transformed by the renewing of our minds…” and that is what this time is for. The bootcamp schedule caters for this in that for the whole day each young person is not sitting idle at any one moment aside from having quality time with God. When on outreach each member of the team is required to maintain their individual times with God so that they get their hearts right and in turn listen and obey His word.
This morning during worship the Father through the provocation of His Spirit challenged us in the area of our unity. It is such a relief when God takes control because His grace covers each of us. There were no major offenses between team members but God wanted our hearts and minds staid on Him and His purposes. We were blessed to also have Grace our interpreter and Tamara present this morning in worship as they were able to share revelation and impart wisdom and knowledge as well.
It was a little wet this morning and we contemplated not going to Mudeung but we went anyway and had a blast. There wasn’t too much of a crowd as we set up and the rain mostly kept people away, but David and Curtis had some awesome encounters. David spoke to and ministered to a man struggling with alcohol addiction, while Curtis ministered to another man separately.
We sent a few team members back to the church due to them not feeling well, but nothing too serious. We have been blessed in that area though and no-one has been seriously ill. The Team still needs to be reminded to stay hydrated but they are learning quickly with all the walking we’re doing. Keep Brittany, Katelyn and Tayne in your prayers and also Curtis’ knee as well. Brittany went to bed early last night with a headache, and Katelyn and Tayne have stomach aches.
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