Youth and Family Camp Accommodation
The 2022 Youth and Family camp hosted by Audience of One will be using the Colorado West Christian School in Montrose, Colorado. The dates are July 15-23 and you with your entire family are invited to join. For more information email us at for the...
More Information
Audience of One would like to invite your family - parents and youth - for a week of teaching, worship, community service and of course fun! Youth (who are 12-18 years old) will live in for a week of daily activities with the rest of the family joining in the...
Youth and Family Camp 2022
We are pleased to announce a youth and family camp that we will be hosting in July of 2022. More information to come but do know we would love to see you be a part of it.
Brazil 2020 Postponed
We have decided to postpone the Ao1 International Brazil Outreach due to Covid restrictions. While we will be focusing on out local communities during this time, we still have numerous international contacts we are talking to and encouraging. Contact us for more...
Applications are Here
The applications for both family groups and individuals are now ready. Clink the applications to view and download them. Print them off and send them on our way.
Brazil Outreach 2020
Detail still coming in yet we are excited to announce the Ao1 Summer outreach to Brazil. Details to follow and be sure to mark up your calendars to join us June 14th through July 15th. Look for the Individual and Family Applications.
Day 26, 27 & 28 Outreach 12th, 13th, 14th July 2018
Please excuse the rather long post... Sorry 😐 We started our day off with worship and a short debrief time. Judging from the feedback, it would be safe to say God has moved Powerfully in the hearts of our Team. Before we left for the VBS Mich gave a...
Day 25: Outreach 11th, July 2018
Geoff was up early this morning and caught the breakfast prep guys working to get the first meal of the day done. We have been blessed with good food our whole time here in Juarez, Mexico. The base staff here have embraced us as their own and it will be sad to leave...
Day 24: Outreach 10th, July 2018
FUN + JESUS = ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! It has been a blast working with the Worship Center Team from PA. Our Team got underway this morning planning activities for tonight’s VBS this morning. While the Team was being creative Curtis and Geoff went to the laundromat for...
Day 23: Outreach 9th, July 2018
What a day we had! We have been praying for more performances during this last week. This morning we were able to go to downtown Juarez and perform in front of the Catholic Cathedral. This was a full performance only the second we’ve been able to do all outreach. We...
Day 22: Outreach 8th, July 2018
Today was our first outing with the team from the Worship Center from Lancaster, PA. Their team consists of 16 year olds and up. They are a neat team and we’re excited to work with them. We also had Don and Adrienne Bowen in tow. We loaded up our two vans, the PA team...
Day 21: Outreach 7th, July 2018
Today was cleaning day for the better part of the morning. Another team from PA arrives today and yet another 3 this next week while we are still here. One of the teams that arrives on Monday will be partnering with us to do a VBS at a local church so we are excited...
Day 20: Outreach 6th, July 2018
Today we returned to Rancho. Before our program for the morning Heather Farid one of Rancho’s Senior Staff, gave us an official tour of the facility. She told us story after story of how God’s faithfulness time and time again brought completion to the building of El...
Day 19: Outreach 5th July, 2018
Lastnight after dinner we had a reality check of sorts. Having a “Day Off” doesn’t mean we get a Day Off from Jesus. It just seems like on every outreach when we are in the last 2 weeks or week, it becomes more of a struggle to keep focused on Jesus. Both the boys and...
Day 18: Outreach 4th, July 2018
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY We are so blessed and proud today to be a part of the ever Awesome RED, WHITE and BLUE!!! On outreach just like with everything else, there’s a point when you can only work and minister so much and you need a day of rest or better yet a DAY OFF!!!...
Day 17: Outreach 3rd July 2018
Today we started out with intercession at the base Family Time. After Family Time we had a Team meeting. We are experiencing some awesome breakthrough after our prayer walk last night in downtown Juarez. It just seems like the Team are realizing just how big God is in...
Day 16: Outreach 2nd July 2018
Our work day this morning was by the basketball court we performed on earlier last week. The owner of the facility needed to have his yard cleared and it would've taken him a week and a half to do it all by himself. Needless to say we blessed him immensely. (His video...
Day 15: Outreach 1st July 2018
We had an easy day today. It was good to get all dressed up for Sunday service and not getting into a Team shirt for a change. We visited Mich’s church today and once again tried to figure out what the Pastor was preaching about. It was actually about a good hour...
Day 14: Outreach 30th June 2018
We had a change up today in schedule. We definitely missed our young people from El Rancho but today we went to a soccer tournament that was hosted by Michel our YWAM leader’s church. Today, we served eight soccer teams helping the church with their first ever soccer...
Day 13: Outreach 29th June 2018
Today at the El Rancho we helped the kids with tie dying shirts. Our Team Boyz helped Geoff teach a Warrior dance called “Kia Kaha” and we had the added pleasure of having Dustin with us today. Our Boyz were excited to see him again! Jades mom Kecia Replogle also...
Day 12: Outreach 28th June 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENSIE!!! You will never find a more sweeter young Lady than Kensie Hostetler! We are so blessed and privileged to have her on this team. She has so much genuine grace and mercy stored in her heart and it is so full of God's love. Kensie literally knows...
Day 11: Outreach 27th June 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEGAN!!! Our fearless Team leader Megan turned another year younger today! What a tremendous blessing she is to this team but also to her family and everyone that knows her. If you have the privilege and honor of knowing this Lady you will know she is a...
Day 10: Outreach 26th June 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATASHA!!! We celebrated this sweet Baby Girl early this morning and several times throughout the day. She also got to talk to her mom and we presented her gift to her as well. Geoff keeps joking that he's so glad that one of his black nieces finally...
Day 9: Outreach Begins 25th June 2018
A very early start today! We weren't surprised that the Team was up and ready to go. Their eagerness, excitement and anticipation of being in Mexico tonight washed away any tiredness, doubt or fear in their hearts. Families came in to bid farewell as the bus drove in...
Day 8: Bootcamp 24th June 2018
Megan, Geoff, Shae and the breakfast crew cooked up a mean sausage and scrambled eggs breakfast this morning. A hearty meal for a day full of packing and cleaning! After worship Geoff spoke today on: He also spoke from 1 Samuel 16 & 17 to teach about David before...
Day 7: Bootcamp 23rd June 2018
We had some tired kids today after pranking each other into the wee hours of the morning. We didn't let that stop us though with God seamlessly brought the joy of the Lord into our midst and that seemed to be what the Team was energized with. We heard from Mr. Scott...
Day 6: Bootcamp 22nd June 2018
We experienced yet another phenomenal worship time. The Team is hungry for God and God is meeting that need at every turn. The deeper this Team is going the more revelation God is pouring into their hearts. What an awesome Bootcamp experience we have had so far and it...
Day 5: Bootcamp 21st June 2018
I just want to say up front, we have an amazing team! Today's worship time started with a very brave young lady Zion Conley stepping up in front of our whole team and walking in humility asking forgiveness of the team for her bad attitudes. As one of the older team...
Day 4: Bootcamp 20th June 2018
Happy 15th Birthday Gabe Miller!!! Today was literally celebrate Gabe Miller day!!! From donuts for breakfast, cake for lunch and the potluck for dinner it seemed like all of Gabe's Christmases and Birthdays came at once... How appropriate and what came to mind was...
Day 3: Bootcamp 19th June 2018
We experienced yet another Spirit filled worship time. The issue of our salvation was the underlying subject right throughout the day. A chorus line "My heart and flesh cry out for You the living God, I've tasted and I've seen, come once again to me, I will draw near...
Day 2: Bootcamp 18th June 2018
The first day of adjusting to a routine is mostly fun due to the newness of a team. There is always a sense of anticipation no matter how many times you have been on outreach. Starting our day with an early breakfast and time with the Lord prepared hearts to receive...
Day 1: Bootcamp Begins 17th June 2018
The 1st day of Bootcamp has finally arrived and brought much excitement and anticipation with it. Geoff and Megan started setting up for bootcamp early this afternoon. Tayne and Kensie were the first of the team to arrive and subsequently opened the floodgates. Pretty...
Togo 2017 Day 21: Sunday, 9th July
So early starts seem to be the norm. In actual fact they start church services as early as 7:00am and finish around 10:30am. We were given the opportunity to perform and preach at the Assembly’s of God church in Lome. We were up and ready by 6am, had breakfast but the...
Togo 2017 Day 20: Saturday, 8th July
There was much excitement as the team had their extra hour and a half sleep in before breakfast. They were eager to get to the hotel, have lunch speak to loved ones and what they were looking forward to the most, swim in the pool. The first stop though was taking care...
Togo 2017 Day 19: Friday, 7th July
We had yet another rainy day today. We joined the base staff and students for another time of intercession. After intercession the team gathered to discuss the day. It was decided that we needed our crack team of painters to focus on getting some painting done. So...
Togo 2017 Day 18: Thursday, 6th July
There was much anticipation to get the outside of the kitchen completely painted today but the rain put a quick stop to our plans. We took time out to have a worship and intercession time for the base and that turned out to be an awesome experience. In Geoff’s group...
Togo 2017 Day 17: Wednesday, 5th July
So another productive day was in store for us today. Geoff headed into Lome to update 5 days worth of posts, which drew instant attention from parents and friends on the SRFM Facebook page. While Geoff was in Lome, the team did an afternoon performance for some...
Togo 2017 Day 16: Tuesday, 4th July
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY Today went exceptionally well for us. The team had a very productive day painting the new kitchen. Not only did we get two separate colors done on the inside, we also primed the outside. This is definitely an answer to prayer. The base staff have...
Togo 2017 Day 15: Monday, 3rd July
It was another early start to a brand new week. The team joined in corporate worship with the base staff and students after breakfast. We had another anointed time and it definitely helped encourage and fill us. After our worship time, we undertook to begin with our...
Togo 2017 Day 14: Sunday, 2nd July
If you remember over the Bootcamp phase we talked to the team about being totally sold out for Jesus and worshiping with total unabandonment, without hindrance and disregard of the opinions of those next to you. Well today we got the experience of a lifetime. After...
Scenes from the Past