Our morning started early again with breakfast at 6:30am. Breakfast is started early so that they can beat the heat of the day, which sets in pretty early. Typically, children will go to school from about 8am to noon, come home, have lunch and some rest and then return at 3:00pm to finish school around 5:00pm. After breakfast the girls practiced dancing while the boys undertook the task of doing their laundry by hand. This was a first time experience for some but the opportunity to play with water in hot weather while doing something constructive always makes for some good fun and we desperately needed to get our laundry done. We made good use of our action packers, which you can see by the pictures. Tayne’s tumble dry process became an instant hit. We can truthfully say that the boys are so thankful for washing machines back home in the US… (Smile)
The girls had their chance to hand wash their laundry after lunch. The team took advantage of another day off by getting some nap time in and at around 3:00pm we followed Joseph and Meleah on an hour walk to visit some of the surrounding villages to get a feel for what it is like.
After our walk we returned to the base to have dinner. After dinner our young team members engaged in some playtime with the local children and played well into the evening. Quinn Young became an instant hit by teaching some of the local boys some martial arts moves. To be honest, I think Quinn had more fun than the boys. Overall it was a good day. We hit the showers and went to bed. Everyone including the base staff and students are looking forward to sleeping in because breakfast is at 8:00m… WOOHOO!!!
Psalm 5:11-12 “But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.” Surely, LORD, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield.
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