If you remember over the Bootcamp phase we talked to the team about being totally sold out for Jesus and worshiping with total unabandonment, without hindrance and disregard of the opinions of those next to you. Well today we got the experience of a lifetime. After breakfast we took a 10-minute walk to a local village church, which looked like it could seat about 50 people max. As we piled in we all looked at each other as if to say, we’re going to pack this church our let alone, not have enough room to dance. This church with its thatched roof and red soil floor was as simple as you could get but man were we in for a real treat. After the Pastor welcomed us, this young lady who looked no older than a sophomore in high school started singing accapella. Her ensemble of a base drum and a snare drum (Which were the only two instruments in the building) beat out a rhythm that accompanied her singing mid-song. Well the whole church erupted and dancing just broke forth. The only people looking out of place were the team but that soon ceased as we were all pulled in to the celebration of Jesus. Lets just say the whole worship time lasted about an hour with solid dancing and singing. As the music died down, we were told that each nation that was represented needed to present a song/dance in their native tongue and without any pause the music and dancing started back up again for another hour. The team finally got to perform three songs. This of course was a huge blessing to the church. We didn’t realize it until afterwards that we packed out the church. Our walk back to the base was joyous and the team was most definitely filled with contentment and excitement at what God had done. Geoff had the opportunity to share with the church a word of knowledge for the youth of the nation who are currently sitting for finals. He also prayed for those that had already been tested and those that were preparing to sit for exams.

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Zion is HANGRY!!!

Zion is HANGRY!!!

We returned to the base only to realize that we were supposed to save a portion of our breakfast for lunch. Obviously a sack lunch in the US is not the same as a sack lunch in Togo (Smile) as there is no sack… Anyway, Joseph and Meleah graciously made us lunch and one of the base staff Moses, went in his vehicle to get bread and fruit. We were thankful for the bite to eat. Shortly after we performed again for the youth program the base hosts every Sunday afternoon and the team also enjoyed playing with the young children. We returned to the base and got ready for dinner.


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It most definitely was a full busy day but so much fun. It was a day we will never forget, when we got to worship and praise God completely unabandoned.

Psalm 100:2 – Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs