Togo 17 Day 18 Clinic4

We had yet another rainy day today. We joined the base staff and students for another time of intercession. After intercession the team gathered to discuss the day. It was decided that we needed our crack team of painters to focus on getting some painting done. So Megan, Jamie, Hope and Zion got to work. The rest of the team, were spread between putting paint equipment away and helping out in the kitchen. Our clinic team made considerable progress despite working their way around the clinic staff and patients. Sierra is especially enjoying being a part of the clinic team. She takes vital signs of mom’s and babies when they come in, and will be taught how to perform a Malaria Test as well as an HIV Test. She has sat in sessions with the midwives and mothers to see how far they are along in their pregnancy and measure their stomachs and check health.

Togo 17 Day 19 Paint3

After lunch it seemed that the rain was dissipating, so without wasting precious sunlight, Geoff and Joseph got the team ready to paint the outside walls of the kitchen. The sunny weather lasted a good 2 hours before it started spitting with rain so we packed up and called it a day. Has it been mentioned that the base staff and students are so impressed with our team, especially the kitchen supervisor Priscilla who is so very thankful every time she encounters any of the team members including the team staff.

Togo 17 Day 19 Paint2

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After dinner one of the base youth Nikabu hosted a movie night for the team at his parents house, which was a treat for our kids. It is evident that the kids are ready for a day-off and are eagerly waiting to get FaceTime with their parents and family tomorrow.