Our worship time this morning revolved around praying for the nations represented in our team, Mexico, Australia, PNG and the USA. This resulted in the team being split up into four groups and assigned a specific nation above to pray for. Our intercession time was phenomenal as our young people fervently prayed, allowing their hearts to be broken as God’s heart is broken for each nation. As the team prayed it was easily recognized that each member has experienced significant growth in their personal relationship with God.
No one day has been the same as the team is getting accustomed to God turning up and doing His thing. Even though our schedule sets the parameters for our day and keeps us focused God never ceases to amaze us with His provision. Whether it’s someone visiting unexpectedly with a meal, someone offering to do all of our laundry, or good friends or family surprising especially the Tabor’s and Ila’s, we can say we are truly blessed. Not to mention what God is doing in the hearts of these young people. There is a little more desire in our young people to live intentional lives for God instead of just being in survival mode. They are realizing that when God said He wanted to take them out of their “comfort zone” it didn’t just mean go on a mission’s trip this summer. It meant that He wants to deepen His relationship with them further so that their identities are not caught up on any one thing or any one person apart from God the Father Himself.
Today was also David Tabor’s birthday which was aptly celebrated at all three meals. There are many people including ourselves that are grateful for this man’s obedience to follow God passionately and invest in the younger generations. He has spent over 30 years discipling young people over several nations with his wife Kathleen and at 68 years of age he is still going strong. Each young person here on this team including our staff and guests at dinner had the opportunity to bless David with words of affirmation and a common thread of servant leadership, humble man of God, gentle spirit, represents God’s Father heart, was sown throughout this special time.
It was a good day today and we are grateful for the Father’s hand upon us. We are two days closer to leaving for PNG and there is a lot of excitement and anticipation for what God has for us as a team considering the lengths He has gone to, to bring us here to Mt. Tamborine away from distractions and our “comfort zone”. Thank you for your prayers daily, we can definitely feel them!