The Staff initially planned breakfast for 8:00am in the morning but due to the excitement and anticipation that has been welling up for months, most of the team were up at 6:30am (Gotta Love It… smile). After breakfast and quiet time with the Lord, the team gathered for our first worship and teaching time. It was good to have Curtis and Marylou join us. Worship was awesome! As the Holy Spirit stirred the hearts of our young people, several of them responded and shared what God had put on their hearts individually to expect from Him for this time. One of our team shared what God had spoken to her during her quiet time, for the whole team: “I’m excited to teach you, but be available. Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you. I have so many things in store, so trust Me. Trust Me with everything… I’ve Got It!!!  Jeremiah 29:13

Time with Dad!

Time with Dad!

Vic goes deep with the Father...!!!

Vic goes deep with the Father…!!!

Megan Ila our “Fearless Leader” started our teaching times today. She gave an orientation on what our Bootcamp entailed as well as what to expect. She also testified to what God has done in her heart especially during many bootcamps she has ben a part of in the past.

"Fearless Leader" Person...

“Fearless Leader” Person…

Class Outdoors

Class Outdoors



After teaching and lunch the three boys, Tayne, Quinn and Andrew headed to town with Curtis to work on some projects, while the girls stayed at the school and practiced dances for our time in Togo. We were all thankful for Mrs. Conley, Mrs. Morris, Ms. Cheairs and their families bringing dinner and joining us. Our parents “ROCK”!!!

Parents, we can recognize how your kids are hungry after what God has for them in this time and it is such a privilege as staff to share this time with them. They are so pumped for what He has done, is doing and what He is about to do.

Jeremiah 29:13 – You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all of your heart